ESCA Awards Program

ESCA Awards

ESCA Annual Awards Program: Celebrating Excellence in the Exhibition Industry

Join us in recognizing and celebrating the exceptional talents, innovations, and dedication within our community. ESCA is proud to introduce a diverse range of awards:

  1. ESCA Diversity and Inclusion Award
  2. ESCA Humanitarian Excellence Award
  3. ESCA Innovation Award
  4. ESCA Lifetime Achievement Award
  5. ESCA Marketing/Sales Professional of the Year Award
  6. ESCA Outstanding Show Look and Feel Award (by Official Service Providers)
  7. ESCA Outstanding Service and Volunteerism Award
  8. ESCA Young Professional Award

Nominations are always open until the last week of October, and we would like to invite you to highlight those who have made significant strides in these areas. All award recipients will be lauded during our Winter Celebration & Awards. Don’t miss the chance to honor the trailblazers, visionaries, and leaders who continue to elevate our industry!

ESCA Diversity and Inclusion Award

The ESCA Diversity and Inclusion Award is a distinguished honor spotlighting individuals or organizations that have championed diversity and inclusion within the exhibition industry. This award recognizes those who have worked to create a more inclusive environment, promote diversity in all its forms, and foster understanding and acceptance.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Demonstrated a clear commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion within their organization or the wider exhibition industry.

  • Implemented or supported initiatives that promote inclusivity and diverse representation, leading to tangible results.

  • Actively encouraged and cultivated a culture where all individuals, regardless of their background, feel valued and included.

  • Brought honor to the exhibition industry through their efforts in fostering diversity and inclusion.

ESCA Humanitarian Excellence Award

The ESCA Humanitarian Excellence Award celebrates individuals or organizations with an unwavering commitment to improving lives. Recognizing those who’ve made a tangible difference both domestically and internationally, this award acknowledges impactful humanitarian endeavors that alleviate suffering and uplift the exhibition industry’s stature.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Leadership: The nominee should have demonstrated remarkable leadership in their humanitarian initiatives.

  • Impactful Contributions: Honoring transformative efforts, the nominee must have significantly enhanced communities’ or individuals’ well-being and quality of life.

  • Dedication to Alleviating Suffering: The nominee’s commitment to humanitarian causes, evident through their actions in reducing human suffering, is paramount.

  • Honor to the Industry: The nominee should have positively represented and elevated the exhibition industry through their work.

ESCA Innovation Award

The ESCA Innovation Award recognizes individuals or organizations in the exhibition industry that have showcased exemplary innovation across various sectors, including business models, operational strategies, and technological advancements. This award commends those who have introduced groundbreaking solutions or set pioneering standards that remain influential.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Exhibited distinct innovative thinking and creativity within the exhibition industry, including developing novel business strategies and models.

  • Implemented solutions or applications that have led to significant industry advancements or transformative change.

  • Introduced and sustained pioneering ideas or practices that remain relevant and inspire industry evolution.

  • Leveraged innovations in technology, design, operations, marketing, sustainability, or business practices to enhance industry outcomes.

ESCA Lifetime Achievement Award

The ESCA Lifetime Excellence Award is a testament to individuals who’ve carved deep and lasting impressions on the exhibition industry through sustained dedication and remarkable achievements. This award celebrates their longevity and the indelible mark they’ve left. We warmly invite you to nominate individuals who have showcased:

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Pioneering techniques, product development, or inventions that have propelled the industry forward.

  • Innovative systems or procedures that have become game-changers.

  • Steadfast representation of ESCA, advocating for its members and the industry through leadership, education, and issue engagement.

  • A consistently exemplary role in setting standards and inspiring peers within ESCA and the broader industry.

ESCA Marketing or Sales Professional of the Year Award

The ESCA Marketing or Sales Professional of the Year Award is an esteemed recognition given to individuals who have shown exemplary prowess, innovation, and impact in marketing or sales within the exhibition industry. This award salutes those who have launched significant marketing or sales campaigns, propelled their organization’s growth, led with distinction, and fostered exceptional customer relationships.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Marketing or Sales Campaign: Executed or played a significant role in a remarkable marketing or sales campaign that drove tangible results.

  • Impact: Their marketing or sales initiatives made a measurable difference within their organization or the broader exhibition industry.

  • Leadership: Displayed outstanding leadership qualities, mentoring peers and contributing to enhancing marketing or sales as a discipline.

  • Customer Service or Partnership: Showcased a strong commitment to customer service excellence or formed influential partnerships that benefited clients and their respective organizations.

ESCA Outstanding Service and Volunteerism Award

The ESCA Outstanding Service and Volunteerism Award celebrates individuals who have showcased an unparalleled dedication to the exhibition industry over the past year. This prestigious recognition appreciates those who have offered measurable contributions, driven impactful innovations, and significantly volunteered their time and expertise to uplift the industry.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Leadership: The nominee should have championed the industry through advocacy, speaking engagements, or educational endeavors, exemplifying remarkable leadership qualities.

  • Volunteerism: Emphasizing the nominee’s dedication to service, they must have significantly contributed to the betterment of ESCA or the wider exhibition industry through voluntary activities.

  • Innovation: Recognizing transformative contributions, the nominee should have introduced a product, service, or procedure over the past year that has brought about a significant
    positive shift in the industry beyond just their employer’s benefit.

ESCA Outstanding Show Look and Feel Award

The ESCA Outstanding Show Look and Feel Award is a distinguished accolade presented to official service providers who have exhibited exceptional creativity, expertise, and execution in shaping an exhibition’s visual and experiential aspects. Recognizing the pivotal role that the look and feel of an exhibition play in its success, this award seeks to honor those who have elevated the attendee experience through exceptional design and ambiance.

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Creativity & Originality: Introduced innovative designs or themes that set the show apart.

  • Attention to Detail: Ensured that every element, from signage to booth designs to lighting, contributed harmoniously to the overall exhibition aesthetic.

  • User Experience: Enhanced the attendee experience by offering intuitive layouts, facilitating navigation, and creating engaging spaces.

  • Collaboration with Organizers: Worked closely with show organizers to understand their vision and translate it effectively into the exhibition environment.

ESCA Young Professional Excellence Award

The ESCA Young Professional Excellence Award is a distinguished recognition celebrating emerging talents in the exhibition industry. This accolade recognizes individuals who, in their early career, have showcased commendable dedication, innovation, and leadership, promising a bright future for our industry

Criteria for Nomination:

  • Demonstrated rapid growth and promise in their respective roles within the exhibition industry.

  • Actively contributed to projects or initiatives that have positively impacted their organization or the industry as a whole.

  • Showcased innovative thinking or introduced fresh perspectives that promise to steer the industry forward.

  • Brought honor to the exhibition industry through their professional accomplishments and dedication.